Velour Split
Suede velour with a short hair and a velvety effect
Preferably produced from cow leather, thus allowing in the different thicknesses presented a homogeneous consistency throughout its area.

Velour Split Heavy
Suede velour with a short hair and a velvety effect
Preferably produced from heavy cow leather, thus allowing the indicaded hight thicknesses.
Presented a homogeneous consistency throughout its area, with high strength and durability

Velour Split Wax
Finished split, with a mix of oils and waxes that can present:
- a rustic effect, with a closed pore, uniform and consistent
- a vintage effect, with a closed pore, but when handling makes un pull-up effect.

Velour Split Hydro
Split dyed with special fats that allow to obtain a waterproof velour Sanded with a short hair and a velvety effect
For the hydro we use the sympatex rule
- utilization for 7 hours
- maximum moisture absorption 30%

Velour Split Trend
Split with a finish that goes to meet the fashion trend defended for each season and collection, it can be:
- embossed with one or more plates
- transfer application
- serigraphy application

Split Anilina
Split tanned with chromium, dyed in the intended color.
Finishing embossed with a stamp type natural pore of the skin, pigment, waxes and resins in order to give it a silky and soft touch.

By Cast
Split tanned with chromium, dyed in the intended color
Finished with a polyurethane coating that reproduces the desired grain, with a uniform and durable surface.
Allow a correct respiration without losing its impermeability to external agents
Suitable for use in the manufacture of footwear with direct injection of the sole to upper

Anilina Calf
Chromium tan skins, with integral grain from european hides of very good quality.
Dyed with soluble aniline dyes and natural drying to obtain a closed, smooth and firm grain, finished only with anilines and waxes to enhance the natural texture of the skin.
The absense of pigments on the surface allows a soft and dry touch that enhances all the naturalness and elegance of a leather.

Orto Calf
Chromium tan skins, with integral grain from european hides of very good quality.
Dyed with soluble aniline dyes and natural drying to obtain a closed, smooth and firm grain, finished only with anilines and waxes to enhance the natural texture of the skin.
Finish that protects the natural grain, staying visible, but resistant to drop of water

Napa Seda
Chromium tan skins, with integral grain from european hides of very good quality.
Dyed with dyes and fats that give it the nature of a very soft skin.
Smooth or slightly milled, silky and transparent finish

Anilina Veneto
Chromium tan skins, from european hides
Dyed with dyes and fats that give it the nature of a very soft skin.
Finish with a corrected grain, dry-milled, silky and transparent

Anilina belo horizonte
Chromium tan skins, from european or south american hides
Dyed with dyes and fats that give it the nature of a very soft skin.
Finish with a corrected grain, smooth, silky and transparent

Anilina Millenium
Chromium tan skins, from european hides
Dyed with dyes and fats that give it the nature of a very soft skin.
Finishing with pigment, embossed with a stamp type natural pore of the skin, waxes and resins in order to give it a smooth, silk and soft touch.

Anilina Pull-Up
Chromium tan skins, with integral grain from european hides of very good quality.
Dyed with dyes and fats that give it the nature of a soft skin.
Finishing with oils and waxes that creates the pull-up effect, a timeless and classic finish

Anilina Flooter
Chromium tan skins, with integral grain preferably of high quality south american hides.
Dyed with dyes and fats that give it the nature of a very soft skin.
Finishing with pigments and resins combined, which after milled produces a texture always different but natural.

Anilina linning
Chromium tan skins, with integral grain and in the designed color, from european or south american hides, closed fibers and a soft structure.
It can also present a corrected grain with a firm but soft structure
Without finish or slight aniline finish.
Flesh side shaved with the minimum of loose fibers

Chromium tan skins, with integral grain preferably of high-quality european hides.
Double dyed for well fixed and intensive colors, and whose surface remains smooth and sanded with fine-grain sandpaper.
Thus obtains a skin, with a “writing” effect that is particularly silky and soft to the touch.

Chromium tan skins, with integral grain preferably of high-quality european and south american hides.
Double dyed for well fixed and intensive colors, surface sanded with fine grain sand, lightly milled so that the movement and heat obtained by this operation, check the skin a particular grain and always different, with an effect of "writing" even more silky and soft to the touch.

Nobuck Oil - Ramon
Chromium tan skins, with integral grain preferably of high-quality european hides.
Smooth and sanded surface with fine grain sandpaper
Finished with a combination of oils and waxes that give it a silky effect, keeping the slight “writing effect”

Nobuck Wax
Chromium tan skins, with integral grain preferably of high-quality european hides.
Smooth and sanded surface with fine grain sandpaper
Finished with a conbination of waxes that give it a slight pull-up effect, keeping the slight “writing” effect particularly silky and soft to the touch

Nobuck Hydro
Chromium tan skins, with integral grain preferably of high-quality european hides.
Dyed with special fats that allow to obtain a waterproof skin
Smooth and sanded surface with fine-grain sandpaper, thus obtains a skin, with a “writing” effect that is particularly silky and soft to the touch.
For the hydro we use the sympatex rule
- utilization for 7 hours
- maximum moisture absorption 30%

Nobuck Trend

Chromium tan skins, with integral grain of european and south american hides
Smooth and sanded surface with fine-grain sandpaper
Finished with a combination of oils and waxes that give it a silky and soft effect.
Highly resistant to use, and a vintage look